Posts Tagged ‘American Auto Industry’

Dems delay auto bailout vote, seek plan from Big 3

November 21, 2008

The rescue plan has collapsed and Congress has put its foot down! Now the Big Three have to come up with some sort of restructuring plan. Maybe Congress is taking a lesson from the British who also went through a similar situation with their Auto Industry. Click Here for their story.  Maybe Congress is hearing the word of the people. If you were to take the collective Pulse of the people right now it would probably be off the charts and from what I have seen in the many forums on the internet discussing this issue the one word that describes their feeling would be PISSED! About the only ones who are for the plan are the auto workers, obviously.

Like I had said before they keep pitching the D word like some threat not fully realizing that we are headed there anyway you put it. This economic meltdown has spread across the world like some gargantuan cancer and there does not seem to be a stop to it. You have only to traverse the internet and check out all verified and confirmed reports and you will see the signs all around. This is no longer just an American issue, it is a World issue. Right now China is on the verge of having Job Riots and their  $585 billion economic stimulus package won’t kick in until 2009! Click Here for that story.

The question now is what  are the Big Three going to do? They sure as hell don’t have the sympathy of the people, even less with all of their extravagances.  The Big Three CEO’s aren’t going to suffer, no doubt they have tons of money squirreled away in some plush accounts.  So what’s to happen to their employees, the auto workers? What about their union? What are they planning at this moment? Knowing unions as I do they no doubt are looking for ways to cut Their losses!
Well check out the story Here.